Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
~Margaret Mead

Jonathan Meddings is an author and advocate working to advance the health and human rights of under-served and diverse communities.
Jonathan has authored more than 100 medical fact sheets and coauthored peer-reviewed scientific papers and market-leading biology textbooks. His latest book, The Final Cut: The truth about circumcision is the product of over a decade of research.
Jonathan chairs The Darbon Institute, a charity working to protect and promote everyone's right to bodily integrity and autonomy in Australia and New Zealand, and his career in the community health sector has spanned addiction, HIV and LGBTIQ+ policy.
Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science with Honours from James Cook University, where he studied turtle immune systems, and a Bachelor of Arts with majors in philosophy and politics from Macquarie University.
Always quick to get to the point, Jonathan coaches the sport of fencing at Australia's premier fencing club.

The Final Cut: The truth about circumcision exposes the harms of male circumcision, and is the only book to debunk all of the health, social, aesthetic, legal, religious and moral arguments used to support it. ​If you're thinking of circumcising your son, read this book first.